What should we pay attention to when storing industrial tape

What should we pay attention to when storing industrial tape

The products made by tape manufacturers can be used in many industries. In order to ensure the quality of products, some matters need to be paid attention to. Now let's have a careful understanding?

The industrial adhesive tape should be put into a separate warehouse. Do not expose it to sunlight, let alone rain. And in the warehouse, do not contact with acid-base oil and other solutions, and keep it dry and clean. When stacking industrial tapes, it should be noted that they should not be folded and stacked, but should be placed in rolls. If they are stored for a long time, they should also be taken out and turned over, so as to avoid damage or aging so that they cannot be used.

In the process of using industrial tape, if we find any damage, we should find the cause in time and deal with it appropriately.

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